The Telegraph - GENERAL CROSSWORD NO: 643 - Feb 27 2005

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Clues Answers
- - zero, -273.15oC ABSOLUTE
Act of starting a fire KINDLING
Bird of prey with a large head OWL
Candlestick with a handle SCONCE
Cavity in the throat LARYNX
Condensed but memorable saying BYWORD
Drowned valley RIA
Female reproductive cells OVA
Horn of a member of the deer family ANTLER
Inactive medicinal substance PLACEBO
Leave by will to another person BEQUEATH
Means of resisting attack DEFENCE
Mountains in Leinster province of Ireland WICKLOW
Novelist whose works were set in the Staffordshire Potteries ArnoldBennett
Clues Answers
Of the presence of sour substances in the blood Acidotic
Person from Salt Lake City UTAHAN
Person trying to please so as to gain advantage LACKEY
Person who practices divination by rod, especially for water or ore Rhabdomantist
Prevail against the will of another OVERRULE
Pungent condiment made from capsicum CAYENNEPEPPER
Scottish word for no NAE
Smallest significant unit of sound in a language PHONEME
Soldier armed with a long weapon SPEARMAN
Spanish fleet sent by Philip II in 1588 ARMADA
State of being divorced from reality LALALAND
Synthetic stone that is used as a substitute for diamond Cubiczirconia
The indigenous people of Greenland (alt. spelling) INNUIT
Ventilated building for storage of unhusked maize in North America CORNCRIB