USA Today - Jan 10 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Battle Cry" penner Leon URIS
"King Kong" star FAYWRAY
"___ the Roof" (Drifters hit) UPON
"___ you pulling my leg?" ARE
1836 siege site ALAMO
1962 Bond thriller DRNO
Aching desires YENS
Albacore and yellowfin TUNAS
As a group ENMASSE
Audition tape DEMO
Capital of Guam AGANA
Capital west of Stockholm OSLO
Clear the board ERASE
Cleopatra's bane ASP
Deli side SLAW
Do an injustice to MALTREAT
End of a quote from the boss BLAMINGITONYOU
End zone marker PYLON
Ernie of the PGA ELS
Europe's highest volcano ETNA
Exploding stars NOVAS
From dusk to dawn ALLNIGHT
Fruit holder STEM
Game with a 40-card deck MONTE
Gay Nineties sunshade PARASOL
Gelidity ICINESS
Go one better OUTDO
Goose the gas REV
Grounded commercial fleet SSTS
Guitarist Paul LES
Hamilton's last act DUEL
Handel bars? SONATAS
Invisible emanation AURA
Kerplunks PLOPS
Kind of instinct BASIC
Length times width result AREA
Clues Answers
Lifting apparatus HOIST
Like some excuses LAME
Long-snouted fish GAR
Makes every moment count LIVES
Meet head-on FACE
Mortise mate TENON
Oscar role for Julia ERIN
Pack down TAMP
Parker of "South Park" TREY
Phone drone DIALTONE
Pindaric practitioner ODIST
Pirate or Brave, for short NLER
Pita sandwiches GYROS
Pound sounds YAPS
Pretty up ADORN
Put two and two together ADD
Quote from the boss, continued ISAIDIWAS
Quote from the boss, continued YOURFAULT
Rail inspector's vehicle, perhaps HANDCAR
Sammy of the Cubs SOSA
Sends packing CANS
Shrinking Kazakhstan border sea ARAL
Spider-Man co-creator Lee STAN
Spongy toy brand NERF
Start of a quote from the boss IDIDNTSAYITWAS
Tailgunner's position AFT
Take to the skies AVIATE
This and that BOTH
Tolkien tree creatures ENTS
Tsk-tsk ALAS
Waiting room piece SOFA
Wesley Crusher's rank ENSIGN
What's happening TREND
Wheels for big wheels LIMOS
Whip into shape TRAIN
___ cheese BLEU
___ de Triomphe ARC