The Chronicle of Higher Education - Nov 7 2014

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Dexter' airer, briefly SHO
'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' record label MCA
'Gross!' UGH
'I envy ___ whereon he rides': Dickinson SEAS
'Sack ___' (jazz standard) OWOE
'Teeth aren't white until they ___' (old slogan) GLEEM
'The Hurt Locker' hazard, for short IED
'___ dreaming?' AMI
'___ Walked Into My Life' ('Mame' tune) IFHE
... and in 'The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone' WOMAN
... in 'A Scandal in Bohemia' .. GROOM
... in 'The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton' .. PLUMBER
... in 'The Adventure of the Dying Detective' .. SICKMAN
... in 'The Final Problem' .. ITALIANPRIEST
... in 'The Man With the Twisted Lip' .. OPIUMADDICT
... in 'The Sign of Four' .. MASTERMARINER
Badlands sight MESA
Champagne ingredient YEAST
Chanteuse who sang 'Non, je ne regrette rien' PIAF
Chaplin of 'Game of Thrones' OONA
Cheer for URGEON
Close cousin of the cockroach MANTIS
Clownish ANTIC
Co-creator of 'Tom and Jerry' HANNA
Co-star of the American premiere of 'Waiting for Godot' LAHR
Comparable (to) AKIN
Crucial NEEDED
Divide into parts SECTIONIZE
Do certain alterations on, as a carpet RESEAM
Doctrine ISM
Excruciating UNBEARABLE
Falsified, as a check KITED
Fifth-century Chinese dynasty WEI
Follows from afar, maybe LIPREADS
Furnish an address ORATE
Gait slower than a canter TROT
Had trouble using 'scissors'? LISPED
Clues Answers
Halley's comet, to William the Conqueror OMEN
Hound bred by Bedouins to hunt gazelles SALUKI
Idlewild Airport, today JFK
Juvenile salamanders EFTS
Language spoken in the Golden Triangle LAO
Language spoken in the Golden Triangle THAI
Lansing-to-Flint dir ENE
Like much of Norman Bates's motivation OEDIPAL
Lincoln's st NEBR
Longtime host of PBS's 'Championship Ballroom Dancing' PROWSE
Looney Tunes 'devil,' informally TAZ
Monogram units: Abbr LTRS
Myriad MANY
Nike competitor AVIA
Not being driven, perhaps INIDLE
Number of legs on eine Spinne ACHT
Painter van Eyck JAN
Paul of 'Clueless' RUDD
Perfunctory PROFORMA
Personal trainer's count REPS
Role played by Sherlock Holmes in 'The Adventure of the Empty House' .. BIBLIOPHILE
Second-largest city in Kyrgyzstan OSH
Series of performances RUN
Sign up ENLIST
Skillet FRYPAN
Son on Noah's ark HAM
Sonata finales, often RONDOS
Square EVEN
Struggle to earn, with 'out' EKE
Subject of Hamlet DANE
Supplements ADDONS
Suze Orman topic DEBT
Tempura vegetable also called 'mountain asparagus' UDO
The 'E' in FEMA: Abbr EMER
Ulysses S. Grant was its eighth president: Abbr NRA
User of a prayer wheel LAMA
What's good for lots of Gabonese? BON
Where Elihu Root got his law deg NYU