L.A. Times Daily - Sep 15 2014

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Clues Answers
"Ah, me!" ALAS
"For Dummies" bookstore section SELFHELP
"Golly" OHGEE
"If it only could be" IWISH
"The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" author GERTRUDESTEIN
"__ better to have loved ...": Tennyson TIS
"__ got it!" IVE
"__ upon a time ..." ONCE
Advanced college course SEMINAR
Beauty at the ball BELLE
Biennial games gp IOC
Brew found in increasing quantities in the ends of 17-, 28-, 47- and 64-Across BEER
Bride's beloved GROOM
Cake serving PIECE
Cat's coat FUR
Centrally managed store group CHAIN
Civil rights org ACLU
Cubes in a bucket ICE
Director Reiner ROB
Down Under greeting GDAY
Drive and reverse GEARS
Early metalworking period IRONAGE
Eel, at sushi bars UNAGI
Every cloud's silver feature? LINING
Explosive situation POWDERKEG
Feel around in the dark GROPE
French friend AMI
Gauge on a dash TACH
Had dinner ATE
Half a guy-gal argument HESAID
Harbinger SIGN
Harbinger OMEN
Hindu guru SWAMI
How half-shell clams are eaten RAW
Hush-hush fed. org CIA
Images on a desktop ICONS
Imitated APED
Indian or Chinese, e.g ASIAN
Clues Answers
Infantile BABYISH
Knight's title SIR
Lady in the 1965 sitcom pilot episode "The Lady in the Bottle" JEANNIE
Land in la mer ILE
Landed on the runway ALIT
Leatherworking tools AWLS
Legendary football coach Knute ROCKNE
Legendary skater Henie SONJA
Like capitalized nouns PROPER
Like the idiomatic beaver EAGER
Lowest opera voice BASSO
Marshland FEN
Metamorphosis stage LARVA
Mohawk-sporting actor MRT
N.C. State's conference ACC
Nametag greeting HELLO
One coming in from the bullpen RELIEFPITCHER
Online dialogue CHAT
Optimistic ROSY
Pot for clams STEAMER
Reduced-price event SALE
Scat legend Fitzgerald ELLA
Silent agreement NOD
Soft mineral TALC
Somme summer ETE
Spanish appetizers TAPAS
Starting squad ATEAM
Stockholm's land: Abbr SWE
Story TALE
Sunburn soother ALOE
Texas mission ALAMO
Thigh bone FEMUR
What you pay COST
Wheels on the links GOLFCART
Window material PANEGLASS
__ contendere: court plea NOLO