The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6347 - March 13, 2014

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Clues Answers
Achieved aim SUCCESS
Affirmative answer YEA
Applied by aerosol SPRAYON
Beginning OUTSET
Black tea PEKOE
Brownish pigment UMBER
Crane's arm JIB
Destructive wind TORNADO
Field figure SCARECROW
Frequently OFT
Italian car company FERRARI
Mockingly humorous WRY
Perplex BAFFLE
Clues Answers
Popular but controversial issue CAUSECELEBRE
Pressing (clothes) IRONING
Register as unemployed SIGNON
Remove dirt from CLEANSE
Shared, held in common JOINT
Temptingly tasty TOOTHSOME
Type of 1 ac WRIST
Type of 1 ac ELBOW
Type of 1 ac ANKLE
Tyre burst; large meal BLOWOUT
Unit of force NEWTON