The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25704 - February 7, 2014

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Clues Answers
A small volume produced by artist in the capital ACCRA
Attractive little girl behaving like a wallflower? DISHY
Contribution made by party people DONATION
Country a miraculous place, commercial held CANADA
Crone disguised with net fabric CRETONNE
Crowds making audible demand for peace PACKS
Disseminate advice to make temporary repair at farm entrance? PROPAGATE
Fast driver's hesitation to join breakdown organisation RACER
Fit area for rice-growers PADDY
Girl locked up as troublesome youth? MISSPENT
Girl showing what could be half nipple? PINUP
Grassland established by previous generation outside ancient city PASTURAGE
Greek dramatist I repeatedly perused in translation EURIPIDES
Hardly a place for a drink, a place for choral evensong! BARELY
Hell has the capacity to create unhappiness DISCONTENT
Hold forth about origin of root vegetable SPROUT
Clues Answers
Lorry on a track somewhere in Ireland TIPPERARY
Make a point when drink comes round and don't mumble! SPEAKUP
Meeting demand for extra effort, more than one's pulled out STOP
Old bird turning strange, squashing egg DODO
Old man, lazy fellow who keeps a restaurant? PADRONE
Piano didn't take prominent position in recording feature PLAYBACK
Pope's policy holding a very long time LEONINE
See pest land up in trouble, ousted SUPPLANTED
Sing softly about good in fellow, giving description of very old one CROMAGNON
Snoop to get hold of one very small secret PRIVY
Son this mischievous would be inconsiderate to others ELFISH
Start of bus journey for one going to church or office? BRIDE
The holding managed a hundred shares in single issue TRANCHE
Top man in chapel, old and not easily diverted FOCUSED
Tramp was badly injured and lurched BUMBLED
Undertaking restricted by very big mistakes OMISSIONS