The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4573 by Tim Moorey - January 19, 2014

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Clues Answers
... narrow-minded attitude? It's Americans at fault SECTARIANISM
Back packs fail to be more immediately available READIER
Blonde vacuous type bores US agent FAIRHEADED
Cameron could be refreshed here? MENORCA
Centres supposing that holding company held up FOCI
Colt perhaps and mare gambolling under a tree FIREARM
Employee who shouldn't be in the limelight? STAGEHAND
Endless platform for men STAG
Entourage in hot French town working HANGERSON
Famous politician involved with lover's toe ROOSEVELT
Game plans on the radio DRAUGHTS
Great worry about very short time surrounded by ... AMONGST
Huge flans served up — that's the plan STRATAGEM
Meeting house not available, right? SEMINAR
Ministry studies the latest stuff at home MODCONS
Clues Answers
Mix-up, for example remains of 19 ANAGRAM
Mum's blemish needs a cosmetic MASCARA
No room for French opera in city over there CAEN
Not appropriate to drop female in one UNIT
Not entirely sure this fellow fitted for clubbing — not with it! STUFFEDSHIRT
Not harming the environment in Scottish ridge shows good behaviour DECORUM
One aquatic bird pecked another BITTERN
Quick attack capturing pawn RAPID
Roll up for the essential part NUB
Roma clip spoilt broadcast PROCLAIM
Star is able to get work CANOPUS
Tax once levied on fruit? It helped to some extent TITHE
The German turned up in blue SAD
Thought about lives being wasted MISUSED
What's furthest down flask in bag? NETHERMOST