The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 25687 - January 18, 2014

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Clues Answers
A quiet place in church to conceal a gadget APPLIANCE
A setback for top staff at university, wanting new technology installed in lecture theatres AUDITORIA
Arsenal's men taking ball round front of net ORDNANCE
Being late, crewman eats only first bit of supper TARDINESS
Charge read out aloud as a rule ARRAIGN
Chill breeze coming from the north WINDDOWN
Colonist out east settles in with determination, sometimes INTERMITTENTLY
Conveyance of paintings put up on display in the community TRANSPORTATION
Criticising film sovereign's attending PICKINGAT
Here planes fly in twos, nose to tail, needing skilful pilot AIRSPACE
In French class you support pupil TUTEE
Injured old man's kept out of game unfortunately DAMAGED
Jack and mates tossed this overboard? JETSAM
Journeys wearily in carriages, covering miles TRAMPS
Clues Answers
Name of a companion wearing blue ARCHIBALD
Part in movie failed to materialise? CAMEO
Period in some schools to study Latin and yet play CONTINENTALDAY
Persuaded elected leader to meet Democrat INDUCED
Position adopted by sacristan ceremoniously STANCE
President's killer heartlessly confronts a South African leader BOTHA
Returning chic garment not hard? That's convenient for so-called gentleman TRISTRAMSHANDY
S American capital, one not included in exotic cruise SUCRE
Someone to look after Churchill's bunker? WARDEN
Stars on location in Brazil given accommodation ORION
Teacher's career literally flawed? MISSPELT
Unpopular job in isolated settlement OUTPOST
Violently push boat BARGE
Wanting to sleep around, mostly without clothes? That's offensive to some SWEARWORD