The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6308 - January 27, 2014

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Clues Answers
Albrecht —, German artist DURER
Barrage balloon BLIMP
Blood tie KINSHIP
Bowl too long (cricket) OVERPITCH
Ceremonial chair THRONE
Classical Albania ILLYRIA
Contentious issue HOTPOTATO
Long Homeric poem ILIAD
Low-calorie FATFREE
Musical work DUO
Musical work QUARTET
Musical work TRIO
Musical work OCTET
Musical work SEPTET
Clues Answers
Musical work SEXTET
Musical work QUINTET
Musical work NONET
Overwhelm ENGULF
Participate in rotation TAKETURNS
Relating to underwater swimming SUBAQUA
River of NE England TYNE
Sacred; delightful DIVINE
Say as a further remark ADD
Small drink TOT
Stage player ACTOR
Stroke in lawn game ROQUET
Travelling by ship SEAFARING
Unsatisfactory OFF