The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25657 - December 13, 2013

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Clues Answers
A number of socialists having fled gather in different places THEREDFLAG
Artist's returned funeral clothes belonging to college treasurer BURSARIAL
Bun with malt's one prepared for dips? BAPTISMAL
City gent borrowed money, lacking a position in society ECHELON
Explorer's mind beginning to roam CAVER
Facelift for one police force over time TEMPO
For which there's bother acquiring gallons for a time? IRRIGATION
Gripping chapter, coming from our star pupil! SCHOLAR
Hit on answer, disconcerted ABASHED
House backing part-timer SEMIPRO
In no way should fool get round Old Bill NOTABIT
Modern toilet with lock, perhaps associated with powerful draught FORWARDLOOKING
Never apparently eat, as it happens, before broadcasting LIVEONAIR
One often wasted current round top of lightning conductor SOLTI
Clues Answers
Opponent entering at Man United surprisingly not fouled UNCONTAMINATED
Pressure on shroud damaged engine component PUSHROD
Repetition corresponded with recitation ROTE
Sort of exercise that's first-rate: constant back pain stops AEROBIC
Surrounded by guards, I surrender — but don't abandon craft? KEEPONESHANDIN
The work shy to punish so severely? THROWTHEBOOKAT
Thus having been treated by stretcher, perhaps, die LONG
Treasure Island's slotted in around Woman's Hour CHERISH
Ultimate in rock, live covers just fine — except here? KARAOKEBAR
Verity's following routine FACT
Wader steeped in detergent after being pulled up EGRET
War hero from children's novel SCHINDLER
Wine from the east appeals in different forms ASTI
Writer considered advice to shut up FELTTIPPEN