The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6178 - August 27, 2013

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Clues Answers
Dry, brittle CRISPY
Flying island in Gulliver's Travels LAPUTA
French capital PARIS
Greatly anger ENRAGE
Gripping tool PLIERS
Higher in rank SUPERIOR
Kiss; old dry measure PECK
Of our continent EUROPEAN
One committing (an offence) PERPETRATOR
Outmoded PASTEL
Quickly PRONTO
Reproduced COPIED
Clues Answers
Savoury paste PATE
Sitting room LOUNGE
Skin on top of head PATH
Soft shade; crayon PARCEL
Stopper; Irish city CORK
Term used for a member of the lower classes PLEB
Track, way SCALP
Tropical tree PALM
Unmitigated SHEER
Working-class PROLETARIAN
Wrapped object PASSE
Wrinkle, make uneven RUMPLE