The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25425 - March 18, 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
Are you going wrong in test of earth? TERRESTRIAL
Card game held in classroom break OMBRE
Charge a thousand on country site for parking TAXIRANK
Composition's last section written in imperfect tense NAILBITING
Dancer excited parents when covering one routine exercise TERPSICHOREAN
Dodgy thief hard to miss in this image? EFIT
Evergreen perennial, a species diarist got wrong ASPIDISTRA
Faithful walker circles island with energy LIEGE
For example, is wearing costume regularly — such conceit! EGOTISM
Former drinkers admit covert short — right punishment given? ATHICKEAR
Generous help given by writer going through dictionary OPENHANDED
Hospital strike rebuffed in old country SANMARINO
In pub, bishop looking up one minister RABBI
Insect with long leg and short leg seen on this field? CRICKET
Clues Answers
Jack repeated impudence, dressing TARTARSAUCE
Kiss copper after officers peripherally departed OSCULATE
Leave mum without key QUIT
Out of date bread hardened amongst fruit PESETA
Period finishes used in the amateur drama ERA
Please register back at home ENTERTAIN
Poet's wander and brief revamp transformed lines ANDREWMARVELL
River's missing on back of guide, causing surprise AMAZE
Sister's part of speech not over NUN
Slips returned on grass area ERRATA
Smash hit, done with Miller's orchestra originally INTHEMOOD
Spacious first-class trains AIRY
Table needs good polish GRUB
Unpleasant exercise rota involved in dance PEJORATIVE