The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 1021 - February 9, 2013

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Clues Answers
"Let it Be" ending Beatles' last live concert STET
A micro-organism of extremely basic anatomy, primarily AMOEBA
A modest girl to play as expert on large organ DERMATOLOGIST
Arrogant call to attend to play — twice there's a interruption of it HOITYTOITY
Authority to secure Democrat's agreement in cosmetics case POWDERCOMPACT
Be behind in Michaelmas term in Durham MASTERMIND
Big rise? Cleaner's put in for extra payment SURCHARGE
Churchwarden's very religious over apse being cleaned out regularly PIPE
Distinct part of dry and rocky peak SECTOR
Distressing way six fuss to see girl VIADOLOROSA
Do finish your food — it's warm but not hot EATUP
Drunk's best under control PICKLED
Fashionable pop off minor label INDIE
Favoured pupil is rubbish, for example, in gym exercises PROTEGE
Flow of water taking origin from bore RILL
Folk song hero — he'll pinch nice roast when creeping around? THELINCOLNSHIREPOACHER
Friend taking minutes to power computer PALMTOP
Get free from former partner needled about endless peculiar habit EXTRICATE
Get in on the act working with more yield for fairly basic engineering INTERMEDIATETECHNOLOGY
Girl needing drink before kiss with artist ALEXANDRA
Hairdresser has no hesitation in making cutting remark BARB
Hard girl sent back cosmetic HENNA
Hardline Conservative cut naval repair facility DRYDOCK
Heavy meal of inferior quality involved in ill turn BLOWOUT
Holiday home is more affected by ground-breakers CAMPERVAN
I catch soldier returning to defence ministry as a painter MODIGLIANI
I perform in front of subsequently besotted admirer IDOLATER
Irritating person in America — agreeable one's coming up NUDNIK
Island in the Indies with some giant iguana ANTIGUA
Large bill with one round right on bottom POSTERIOR
Clues Answers
Lasting like paint that won't harden without runs UNDYING
Like an action replay? Look in two seconds SLOMO
Looking backwards in endless terror, running wildly RETRO
Magic new song in English intended to be broadcast ENCHANTMENT
Man put on unfinished light-coloured Indian slipper CHAPPAL
Men completely taken in by name for fossil from reef CORALLITE
Most important wide street I'd avoided in city of Florida KEYWEST
One making free operatic arrangement around Peter Grimes, for one EMANCIPATOR
Perhaps crab, if it is outside tin, is worthy of consideration SIGNIFICANT
Possibly err in being unruly with no sense of duty IRRESPONSIBLY
Prison turned up irate bad language GUJERATI
Protein, one very much unknown, with unknown mass and energy ISOZYME
Put man off help with the washing-up DETERGENT
Risen snake is where it may be smelled by predator? UPWIND
Rough and unruly child cries uncontrollably — given bottle at last IMPRECISE
Short punch in boxing is something to be endured CROSS
Sound of disapproval resounded about me — but one always comes back BOOMERANG
Spike's nonsense material PINSTRIPE
Spread anti-abortion measure PROLIFERATE
Subject of test is African nation — something really difficult GUINEAPIG
Takes control of unruly comrades and men COMMANDEERS
Taking food mostly in soldiers' canteen for quality of brawn MEATINESS
Tempo marking also against a couple of notes ANDANTINO
Terriers in a French holiday cottage can make trouble AGITATE
Trailer moving well over road LOWLOADER
Upward massaging of the figures throughout bank's record OVERSTATEMENT
Was girl able to perform with old wind instrument? DIDGERIDOO
Well-organised and powerful group from church in New England state MACHINE
What shows range of drama school and its head RADAR
Wine-growing area, one in commanding position beside sea MEDOC