L.A. Times Magazine - Feb 25 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Saws wood" SNORES
"You're in for ___!" ATREAT
"___ see it ..." ASI
"___ the boss" HES
007 foe SMERSH
1970 hit, "Whole ___ Love" LOTTA
69 Down orders ALES
69 Down perches STOOLS
Affectations AIRS
Agents' org. IRS
Agreeing words SODOI
Architect I.M. PEI
Artist who liked painting dogs? RUFFAEL
Artist who never got past his bowl-of-fruit phase? MICHELTANGELO
Author Harte BRET
Author of Yay for History? HURRAHDOTUS
Awakening AROUSAL
Basic beds COTS
Beaut GEM
Big machete BOLO
Bit of morning music AUBADE
Blackjack request HITME
Blame RAP
Bruin legend ORR
Bust boy? NARC
Car-lot owner: abbr. DLR
Centric starter ETHNO
Chain of hills RIDGE
Clev. players CAVS
Coffee maker URN
Complain CARP
Conform ADAPT
Congo, formerly ZAIRE
Coolest sitcom guy FONZ
Copier function SORT
Cuba, for ex. ISL
Day breaks NAPS
Derby prizes ROSES
Diamond corner BASE
Dissolve MELT
Double-crosser RAT
Dough machines ATMS
Elite roster ALIST
Eloi creator HGWELLS
Equi equivalent ISO
European king whose only weakness was Chinese food? CHARLOMEIN
Exclude OMIT
Faerie land ERIN
Finally ATLAST
Fireside chatter FDR
Forest-floor cover MOSS
Fosse forte DANCE
Frenchman who said, "The future is so close I can smell it"? NOSTRILDAMUS
Get into a spot? PARK
Ghana's capital ACCRA
Gory story hour on CBS CSI
Greek who said, "There's no such thing as having too much land"? ANNEXAGORAS
Grimley and Harris EDS
Grounded jets SSTS
He directed Marlon ELIA
High hair-style UPDO
Hoagie layer SALAMI
Hokkaido port (anagram of A TOUR) OTARU
In most cases ASARULE
In the least ATALL
Inventor of the cheap, catchy platitude? SCHLOCKRATES
Iris's center PUPIL
Irish-themed Vegas casino OSHEAS
Joints with caps KNEES
Knotted attire TIE
Clues Answers
Lays down the lawn SODS
Letter widths EMS
Letter widths ENS
Like Twiggy's style MOD
Lilliputian WEE
Lingerie item BRA
Locket locker CLASP
Loser to RMN in '68 HHH
Luminous phenomena AURORAS
Maugham's ___ the Villa UPAT
Miniver, e.g. MRS
Model in a bottle SHIP
Mole, to a gardener PEST
Monk who said, "Czar, schmar, you're a peasant"? RAZZPUTIN
Montevideo's loc. URU
More than med. LGE
Most famous student of Flubbius and Botchius? ERRORSTOTLE
Musical kingdom SIAM
Mutant archenemies of Dr. Who DALEKS
Nigerian city LAGOS
Old Pontiacs GTOS
On, perhaps LIT
Ornamental shell ABALONE
Overact EMOTE
P.M. after Eshkol MEIR
Papal name PIUS
Peck role AHAB
Perfectly TOAT
PETA peeve FUR
Philosopher who said, "People are the same all over"? CLONEFUCIUS
Phoenix player SUN
Piece activists?: Abbr. NRA
Pre-inline tightener SKATEKEY
Prepare to shower, say UNROBE
Pricey watch ROLEX
Prince Valiant's kid ARN
Que. neighbor ONT
Raises UPS
Revolutionary whose life was short and flashy? STROBESPIERRE
Revolving gun mounts TURRETS
Road reference ATLAS
Rockefeller, for ex. CTR
Royal address SIRE
Ruler whose monuments to himself were easier to walk up? RAMPSES
Serious hang-ups? ART
Shell game SCAM
Singer Clark PETULA
Slave who decided it was probably better NOT to fight the Roman army? SMARTACUS
SNL network NBC
Some horses ROANS
Southern st. ALA
Studio stands EASELS
Teeny, partly ITSY
Tithing amount ATENTH
Tone-___ DEAF
Toward the dawn EAST
Try to catch CHASE
U.K. record label EMI
Unaccompanied SOLO
Vain walk STRUT
Vidi, to us ISAW
Voiced (by): abbr. NARR
Watering hole PUB
Watering hole BAR
Web programming code HTML
Well-rounded Athenian? SPHERICLES
Went head-to-head with RIVALED
Word on jeans LEE
Wrinkled-skin dogs SHARPEIS
Yule poem start TWAS
___-cone SNO