- Feb 25 2007

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Clues Answers
''CSI'' network CBS
''Get outta here!'' SCAT
''Get outta here!'' SHOO
''I __ been a contender'' COULDA
''Inside the Third Reich'' writer SPEER
''On __ Majesty's Secret Service'' HER
''Phantom of the Opera'' title character ERIK
''Price Is Right'' prize TRIP
''Rad!'' NEAT
''Very interesting . . .'' HMM
''What's the big idea?'' HEY
''__ Doubtfire'' MRS
''__ you kidding?'' ARE
'70s Israeli prime minister MEIR
18 Across souvenirs LEIS
A great distance AFAR
Airline to Stockholm SAS
Alaskan port NOME
Architect Saarinen EERO
Bauxite or galena ORE
Bear home DEN
Beehive State UTAH
Bell sound CLANG
Below low EMPTY
Big name in TV talk OPRAH
Bisected INTWO
Bit of choreography STEP
Bklyn. or Manhattan, informally BORO
Blood of Olympians ICHOR
Bouillabaisse is one STEW
Bread spread OLEO
Breadbasket item ROLL
Camp or care preceder DAY
Carbon copy CLONE
Cincinnati team has a long losing streak? ROCKYREDSWITNESSCRASH
City in Cole Porter titles PAREE
Commuter line RAIL
Couch potato's lack ENERGY
Court statement PLEA
Crew member HAND
Crime bosses lease Citizen Kane's mansion? BIGMOBSTERSRENTXANADU
Dagwood's dog DAISY
Diploma feature SEAL
Director Kazan ELIA
Discontinues STOPS
Dome homes IGLOOS
Drains SAPS
Dutch cheese EDAM
Edgar __ Poe ALLAN
Erodes EATS
Expressed disapproval BOOED
Eyepiece OCULAR
Former Big Apple mayor KOCH
Fourth-down player, often PUNTER
French cheese BRIE
Fund, as a scholarship ENDOW
Get copy ready EDIT
Get mushy SOFTEN
Giraffe cousin OKAPI
Golfer Ernie ELS
Great __ Mountains SMOKY
Greek cheese FETA
Greek cross TAU
Hard to see through MURKY
Hardwood OAK
Hawaiian island LANAI
Horatian creation ODE
Hound sound YELP
Ignorant youngsters are afraid of Casper? CLUELESSKIDSFEARGHOST
In the company of AMONG
Inlet, e.g. ARM
Inventor Howe ELIAS
Clues Answers
It may come before supper GRACE
It topped 12,000 in 2006 THEDOW
Karate blow CHOP
Laggard in an Aesop fable HARE
Letter starter DEAR
Lighthearted AIRY
Like some beds UNMADE
Like the Atacama ARID
Like this clue ACROSS
Loren's husband PONTI
Lots of mins. HRS
Mad foreigner spotted desperadoes? PSYCHOALIENSAWBANDITS
Majestic display POMP
Mom-and-pop orgs. PTAS
Novelist Seton ANYA
On the Ligurian ATSEA
Opposite of long. LAT
Palm Pilots and BlackBerrys PDAS
Paul Bunyan's tool AXE
Paula of ''American Idol'' ABDUL
Penny-ante CHEAP
Piano-key material EBONY
Picnic pest ANT
Play in a puddle SLOSH
Plenty of autos battle gridlock? ENOUGHCARSDUELTRAFFIC
Polio-vaccine developer SALK
Port of Iraq BASRA
President of Syria ASSAD
Quarterback play SNEAK
Race of about six miles TENK
Ran in neutral IDLED
Rigel and Betelgeuse STARS
Road-sign symbol ARROW
Roast hosts EMCEES
Roll-call response HERE
Roman historian PLINY
RSVP enclosure SASE
Sage and basil HERBS
Santa __, CA ANA
Scintilla IOTA
Short staff CANE
Silly medal winner bemoaned the summer? FOOLISHHEROCURSEDHEAT
Snookums HON
So far ASYET
Some guitars BASSES
Special atmosphere AURA
Streisand film YENTL
Sty cry OINK
Subtraction word LESS
Summer Games event EPEE
Supernatural EERIE
Suspicious LEERY
Take on HIRE
Take the floor SPEAK
Tel Aviv flier ELAL
Texas culinary specialty CHILI
Thick as a brick DENSE
Toboggan, for one SLED
Tony Shalhoub TV series MONK
Tree of life locale EDEN
Try another shade on REDYE
Tuck away STASH
Two-person ride SEESAW
Utmost NTH
Writer Eda Le__ SHAN
Writer Jaffe RONA
__ Beach, FL VERO
__ de deux PAS
__ Romeo ALFA