The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 5997 - January 28, 2013

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Clues Answers
A sample to try TASTER
Argument; line ROW
Brief period of time MOMENT
Christopher —, English dramatist MARLOWE
Cost of flying AIRFARE
Daniel —, author DEFOE
Demeaning INFRADIG
Encouraging shout CHEER
Everlasting ETERNAL
Grow larger INCREASE
Honeyed drink MEAD
Instrumentalist MUSICIAN
Japanese militarist SAMURAI
Laboured; not relaxed STRAINED
Clues Answers
Medal; instrument GONG
Native of, eg, Helsinki FINN
Not bright DIM
Once more AGAIN
Relating to one of the bones of the forearm ULNAR
Relative by marriage INLAW
Small weight OUNCE
Stopper; bribe BUNG
Sustained applause OVATION
Time of great prosperity BOOM
Transmitting (a message) SENDING
— Pound, poet EZRA