USA Today - Feb 23 2007

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Clues Answers
". . . according to his ___" NEEDS
"Able was I ___ I saw . . ." ERE
"Brig." follower GEN
"Dial" opener? SUN
"Home to Harlem" author Claude MCKAY
"Isn't ___ bit like you and me?": Beatles' lyric HEA
"It's ___!": it's quite a bargain ASTEAL
"Keep in ___!" STEP
"Little Children" nominee KATEWINSLET
"Love Story" author Erich SEGAL
"The Devil Wears Prada" nominee MERYLSTREEP
"West Bank Story" nominee ___ Sandel ARI
"___ boy!" ATTA
"___ of Old Smoky . . ." ONTOP
1976 Gregory Peck thriller "The ___" OMEN
Actress Powers MALA
Adapted screenplay nominee Monahan for "___" THEDEPARTED
Answer to "It is not!" ITISSO
Aromatic wood CEDAR
Art direction nominees Crowley and Ochipinti for "___" THEPRESTIGE
Best documentary short subject nominee "___ Hands" TWO
British gun STEN
Brooks or Ott MEL
Celtic sea god LER
Cheapskates PIKERS
Cinematography nominee Emmanuel Lubezki for "Children of ___" MEN
Collection item ANA
Decisions, sometimes HASTY
Directing nominee Clint Eastwood for "Letters from ___ Jima" IWO
Doctor of rap DRE
Ethnic group for most Chinese HAN
European flatfish, related to the turbot BRILL
Exiled Cambodian Lon ___ NOL
Garden perennial ASTER
Half a sneaky laugh HEH
Henley's claim to fame REGATTA
Ike's command in WWII ETO
Ill. clock setting CST
Clues Answers
Iron ___: rust OXIDE
It may be stored in a blood bank PLASMA
Italian staple PASTA
Jazz style BOP
Kind of fit RETRO
Kind of school PREP
Kind of throw to first base, often PEG
King of television LARRY
List ender ETALII
Loose rock at the base of a slope SCREE
Lumberjack (Var.) AXEMAN
Mar. 17th honoree STPAT
MS-____ DOS
Musharraf's land: abbr. PAK
N.Y.C. clock setting EST
New Hampshire college town KEENE
Nominee Forest Whitaker's "___ of Scotland" THELASTKING
Oscar night luminary ACTOR
Performance by an actor in a leading role: 25-Down in "___" VENUS
Performance by an actor in a leading role: See 39-Across PETEROTOOLE
Poetic contraction EEN
Poker declaration IPASS
Retired fliers SSTS
Rod-shaped disease carrier ECOLI
Roman road ITER
Sir Anthony of Avon EDEN
Soccer great PELE
Start of a Caesarean trio VENI
Started BEGAN
Stitched SEWED
Supplement ADDTO
Title holder CHAMP
Tokyo, once EDO
University of Maine locale ORONO
Unnecessary cost WASTE
We all do this AGE
What cold winds do BITE
Winsor's "Forever ____" AMBER