The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4504 by Tim Moorey - September 23, 2012

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Clues Answers
A Councillor I caught around and about CIRCA
American pub in Middle East very much hit MINNESOTAN
Bet with old money abroad PUNT
Better plant once mentioned EXCEED
Carter coup tails off in disarray: get ready for war ACCOUTRE
Cat's second employer MOUSER
Cherry's further left, look! MORELLO
Do shed tea cans HEADSET
Express tears over one secret agent SLEEPER
Fine rule failing FLAW
First person to show what the Queen passes daily (it's said) THEROYALWE
Hot red meat sandwiches not available in Pret A Manger? TRADENAME
If you're this down, the game may be up! TENWICKETS
Instruction not on for minor LESS
Joke on a ship? ONELINER
Keep bottles of Italian white wine SOAVE
Clues Answers
Loaf on the Sussex coast perhaps RYEBREAD
Models adore whoppers LOVELIES
Nanny working in Suriname with daughter NURSEMAID
Not even soldiers on time for a scrap ODDMENT
Nothing withheld, uproar about corrupt unit in Cabinet? FURNITURE
One not working as a forward STRIKER
Possibly a lapse splitting Left with widely differing views POLESAPART
Quit publicity houses almost exhausted PUSHOFF
Rabbit's popular with butchers DOESIN
Ring Himalayas? You may need their help ORANGE
See bonkers close up in German city POTSDAM
Shocked actor Timothy caught in a brawl AWESTRUCK
Squalid housing part flop SLUMP
Take in large gain LEARN
This man could be cover for cover TWELFTH
Wesley: a religious icon MARY