The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25242 - August 15, 2012

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Clues Answers
About time to park this? MOTOR
Band start to sing rubbish STRIPE
City's alias covered by map-makers OSAKA
Dine out, getting awful bile, meal being this? INEDIBLE
Electoral system providing veto? ALTERNATIVEVOTE
Fabulous animal chap finds strangely erotic MANTICORE
Farmyard creature, an excessively exotic bird COCKATOO
Fly soon, bird, to a hot country BOTSWANA
From party, head off to sleep KIP
Grabbing a seat? Rejected — no back or arm WEAPON
Hard ref chokes off anger, seeing deformity HUMP
Immediately losing away, player's part in comic performance STRAIGHTMAN
Lots of dreaming that is squashed by endless disappointment REVERIES
Luvvie's fine turns in the country THESPIAN
Model loses right shoe PATTEN
Clues Answers
Music to lull baby to sleep? ROCK
Not so old Russian stars head east, becoming Asian VIETNAMESE
Obstinacy gets one through college (not uni) PERVERSITY
One with teeth set at an angle RAKE
Overall agency condemned transport not heading to city UMBRELLA
Parish event in pub putting area on map BAZAAR
Pin down bird by its sound SKEWER
Play, but run out without warning ABRUPTLY
Prisoner's taken home to wife INMATE
Problem, beginning to saddle horse SNAG
Realistic, or a sort of joke? PRACTICAL
Retaining following, left for the house in a state of nerves STAGEFRIGHT
To criticise black music is a blow RAP
Tragic scene as Miss Dashwood and Edward's first son suffering seizure ELSINORE