The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25212 - July 11, 2012

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Clues Answers
American belting out a blues likely to have fun AMUSABLE
Be not entirely suited to take charge? WEARTHETROUSERS
Bird heard in mountain EIDER
Daughter with needle as weapon DIRK
Delivery vehicle heading out of Leeds, perhaps: there's nothing in it VANITY
Departs early, avoiding regulars in restaurant EATERY
Do work behind counter in store CONSERVE
Dope employed by former government department? INFO
Expert at the cutting edge, working towards acquiring company in recession SAWDOCTOR
Famous person taken short in field? That's awkward GRACELESS
Film buff brings popular entertainment at first into class CINEASTE
Frittata's typical contents are TASTY
Give insufficient protection to a fellow spy UNDERCOVERAGENT
Helping friend in sensible way RATIONALLY
Clues Answers
In bar, old boy needs support after imbibing last of cognac OBSTRUCT
Maybe NHS Direct consultant rejected ethical principles? CODE
Money earned by typical London commuter goes to waste? SEWAGE
Nightwear extremely tense upper class woman held up to protect honour BEDJACKET
Not strong, but I am second in race FLIMSY
Novel — A Father's Story — limited new edition APASSAGETOINDIA
Quench flames at last with great amount of water SLAKE
Seeing plant disease, accepting need for ultraviolet radiation BLACKLIGHT
Small group always first to enter place of refreshment such as this? BEERCELLAR
Staying calm, unlike many an aristocrat during French Revolution KEEPINGONESHEAD
They commend freshly-baked eclairs: cream's about to be whipped ACCLAIMERS
Threw last of men into breach, having to retreat FLUNG
Tots were distributed round a carriage TWOSEATER
Trim ends off excessively showy garment TOGA