The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4487 by Jeff Pearce - May 27, 2012

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Clues Answers
A revolutionary source for a smoke CHEROOT
Author keeping pressure on brilliant environmentalists GREENPEACE
Being game jab short rector POKER
Damages without hydrogen bombs and guns etc ARMS
Fly drunk, and finally heave CUTE
Game at gym in the country PERU
Goon character often spotted cake ECCLES
Head in charge of subject TOPIC
Hunt, say, a hare and reptile to be cooked with hint of parsley PRERAPHAELITE
Illegally enter rest home BREAKIN
Jack is feverish without it HOIST
Legal clerks upset heavyweight group of stars NOTARIES
Missing starter warms bits of food EATS
Naturalists playing twister outside church TWITCHERS
Clues Answers
One might con ref and finally get reward after acting up CENTREFORWARD
Plant is rent-free, needing structural changes TREEFERN
Popular prisoner with opinion on judge is rude INCONSIDERATE
Raffles, say, article about one fellow THIEF
Reprimand one falling over soft shoe CARPETSLIPPER
Rubbish containing earth and trees EYEWASH
Servant's fee, paid in advance RETAINER
Together with the enemy, make amends for a crime ATONETIME
Travellers in train set off ITINERANTS
Traverse part of East End for a weapon CROSSBOW
United start to play against blue team initially in a crazy way UPSIDEDOWN
Way of doing drug and endless rum METHOD
When dancing the cancan I guffaw CACHINNATE
Young ape is material for an article? — And about time too! COPYCAT