The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 5767 - May 3, 2012

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Clues Answers
(Of door) slightly open AJAR
(Of music) not written in any key ATONAL
Active hostility ANTAGONISM
Built barrier WALL
Bullfighter MATADOR
Deadened, muffled MUTED
Decorate by embedding INLAY
Deep narrow gorge RAVINE
Dispersion of a people from their homeland DIASPORA
Domineering woman VIRAGO
Don't attend STAYAWAY
Extra in cricket NOBALL
Famous diary keeper PEPYS
Clues Answers
Funeral vehicle HEARSE
Long-faced monkey MACAQUE
Mosquito-borne disease MALARIA
Natural change process MUTATION
Reduce the worth of DEVALUE
Region of England EASTANGLIA
Roman emperor TRAJAN
Spiders' silk GOSSAMER
Traveller VOYAGER
Utter disaster DEBACLE