The Times - Cryptic - The final 2012 Times National Crossword Championship Qualifying Puzzle No 3 with full details of how to enter, will appear on Wednesday, May 16. Solution Thursday, May 24. - May 10, 2012

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Clues Answers
Attempt to fool someone, showing effigy's latest appearance in moon TRYITON
Being devious, Amanda retains employment to a disgusting extent ADNAUSEAM
Bird spread out on jacket, say — cleaner needed first CHARLIEPARKER
Cat retreated into middle of trees far away REMOTE
Copper, pulling up vehicle, also emptied liqueur CURACAO
Current outrage about boundaries of novelist REGNANT
Dramatist parking in West End area, indications centrally ignored SOPHOCLES
Flyer a rugby player sent around clubs ALCOCK
Fruit skins spat out PEARS
Gained an advantage over the saloon car spluttering around motorway STOLEAMARCHON
Hide and seek played with youngster's ending in row DEERSKIN
Immoral behaviour son initially exhibited in lounge SLEAZE
Marathon character exercises in shade TAUPE
Met Office's chief, after noon, fills in precipitation and temperature RANINTO
No tooth broken after Americans turned over burial site SUTTONHOO
Clues Answers
Noel, half cut, under cluster of mistletoe? A few pecks wanted BUSHEL
Northern party returned bearing foreign currency BOREAL
Nose takes in source of meat substitute PROXY
Old brass check in work by 6 DRACHMA
Private retired to London area, then Morecambe? ESOTERIC
Quack perhaps from duck in domestic driveway HOMEOPATH
Remainder ignored university lodge RESIDE
Rushed endlessly on tour, following Baedeker here in Germany KARLSRUHE
Some exhibit certain back muscles RECTI
Supervised museum — something to chew on outside class CURATED
Suspend activity during snipping of soldier? INTERMIT
Taken aback on opening electronic device PAGER
Thrust indefinite number into Winter Olympic event LUNGE
Too much vice sadly grips ship in river EXCESSIVE
Worker outside gets empty storage space for Swedish scientist ANGSTROM