The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 5738 - March 30, 2012

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Clues Answers
Apache chief GERONIMO
Calm, emotionless STOLID
Cried WEPT
Deliverer MESSIAH
Easy to talk to APPROACHABLE
Error in writing SLIPOFTHEPEN
Fast-running creature CHEETAH
Hinged metal fastener HASP
Joined for mutual benefit ABOARD
Money borrowed; lend LOAN
Clues Answers
Of the type previously mentioned; so great SUCH
On (a ship/train/plane) HOOT
Ornamental climber CLEMATIS
Owl's cry ALLIED
Position of a digit to the right of the point DECIMALPLACE
Reviewer CRITIC
Small carrier of personal items HANDBAG
Statement to journalists PRESSRELEASE
Structural curve ARCH
Type of bean HARICOT