The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 5646 - December 14, 2011

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Clues Answers
Before time EARLY
Chess game ending CHECKMATE
Conifer FIR
Cruel government TYRANNY
Distant FAR
Eg, native of Bratislava SLOVAK
Greek letter D DELTA
Group of species GENUS
In favour of FOR
Large ocean PACIFIC
Large seabird ALBATROSS
Madrid art gallery PRADO
Mountebank CHARLATAN
Clues Answers
Pelt FUR
Predatory insect MANTIS
Pretended modesty COYNESS
Regretful, apologetic SORRY
South African coins RANDS
Stunt the growth of DWARF
Sweet fizzy powder SHERBET
Unconscious understanding INTUITION
Undemanding music EASYLISTENING
Violent person RUFFIAN
West African country LIBERIA