The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24953 - September 13, 2011

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Clues Answers
A spiteful woman clutching mug or tumbler ACROBAT
Absorb millions in this writer's language IMMERSE
Act of ejecting desperate man that's boarded express VOIDANCE
An illicit date, possibly? FORBIDDENFRUIT
Cut top off shrub and bolt! RIVET
Endless corruption preceding politician's win VICTORY
European residing in very attractive city VENICE
Expenditure securing western king's proscription OUTLAWRY
Fighting to keep hospital, argument finally gets across ATHWART
Finally mint more robust silver coin THALER
Free meal Liberal rejected, tanked up with wallop? UNHITCH
Garment in which divorcee turns up during union function? TUXEDO
Greek character's pass upset relief worker LOCUM
In capital, notice a lake that's heavenly PARADISAL
In effect he taxed Themistocles's capital THETA
Clues Answers
Its fibre is used in ropes at random ESPARTO
Loaded wagon's rear trapped in fateful manoeuvre AFFLUENT
Music-maker's old room at the front CELLO
One consumed initially before rising by old man? CUPPA
Painter taking Spanish soldier over part of plant RADICLE
Person arousing curiosity of conspirator? INTRIGUER
Quiet hen bird, one on the wing, perhaps? PLAYER
Retraction from comedian accepting theologian's claim CLIMBDOWN
Ruddy trick, keeping note to post elsewhere! REDEPLOY
Support principal volunteer force at home MAINTAIN
Terms are distorted in such a headline STREAMER
Unrefined person certain to succeed NATURAL
Watch over one who understands primitive man? HUNTERGATHERER
Wild weather produced by turbulence in minor star RAINSTORM
Wipe out facility without resistance ERASE