Wall Street Journal - Feb 2 2007 - February 2, 2007 - Turning Around Bear Markets

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Clues Answers
'...good witch ___ bad witch?' ORA
'60 Minutes' reporter since 1991 STAHL
'Family Matters' nerd URKEL
'I don't give ___!' ADARN
'Mother...isn't quite herself today'? BATESREMARK
'Rule, Britannia' composer ARNE
'The Dapper Don' GOTTI
'Trinity' author URIS
'___ Love' (1984 hit for the Honeydrippers) SEAOF
1971 Harold Robbins bestseller THEBETSY
A bit, colloquially SORTA
A heap LOTS
According to ASPER
Antarctica's Prince ___ Coast OLAV
Ardent desire THIRST
Austrian article DER
Auxiliary proposition, in math LEMMA
Ballpark expression ORSO
Baseball's Moises ALOU
Become extinct DIEOUT
Big name at Indy UNSER
Boot from office UNSEAT
Bowwow POOCH
Brainstorming cry AHA
Business software giant ORACLE
Cat in Disney's 'Peter and the Wolf' IVAN
Command from Robert E. Lee? REBTAKEARMS
Creme-filled treat OREO
Days of yore ELD
Defiant dare MAKEME
Diminutive suffix ULE
Displayed astonishment GAPED
Dog used by Viking herdsmen ELKHOUND
Done, to Donne OER
Egalitarian DEMOCRATIC
Element of change? METAL
Equestrian sport DRESSAGE
Exploit USE
Exploit FEAT
Face the people STANDTRIAL
Faithful group FANS
Fashion's Geoffrey BEENE
Flying start? AERO
Force in gray: Abbr. CSA
Freeway entrance RAMP
French 101 verb ETRE
Gallic girlfriend AMIE
Gives a hand to Seinfeld's neighbor? ABETSKRAMER
Gives Twain a tongue-lashing? BERATESMARK
Grasp KEN
High-collared jackets TUNICS
Hires an ambulance chaser SUES
Home of a biblical bewitcher ENDOR
Home of the Mustangs SMU
House shower CSPAN
Ink for une plume ENCRE
Israel's first UN delegate EBAN
It can help raise dough YEAST
It has no return ACE
Jazz venue UTAH
Joe Cocker's 'You ___ Beautiful' ARESO
Kind of metabolism BASAL
Land, to Lucretius TERRA
Like a paramecium MOTILE
Losing proposition DIET
Low digit TOE
Low-volume sounds MURMURS
Microscopic ITTY
Mine finder SONAR
Mocking expression SNEER
Clues Answers
Money, in slang KALE
Monument Valley sight MESA
More sinuous SNAKIER
Mountain nymphs OREADS
Moves up and down BOBS
Muscat native OMANI
Mythical queen of Sparta LEDA
NHL goalie Dominik HASEK
One-time stronghold for 56-Across FTHENRY
Orders in the bar car? AMTRAKBEERS
Org. in post-Katrina news FEMA
Org. with a number of British pounds RSPCA
Organisms' bodies SOMAS
Overtime cause TIE
Partner's share, perhaps ONEHALF
PC key ALT
Pet bat on 'The Munsters' IGOR
Philippine machete BOLO
Place for a drive TEE
Plane measure AREA
Poet Neruda PABLO
Pol. Neighbor UKR
Primary event DEBATE
Probability pioneer PASCAL
Products of un pollo HUEVOS
Prove false BELIE
Puma feature TREAD
Rapids transit CANOE
Red letters? USSR
Respectful greeting SALAAM
Rhubarb SETTO
Salon goop GELEE
Saucer crew ETS
Secluded corners NOOKS
Set aside chips for specific poker hands? EARMARKBETS
Ship with a prophetic prow ARGO
Shopaholic's delight SALE
Site of many connections OHARE
Situated at a junction NODAL
Slip preventer MAT
Smutty material FILTH
Snappy comebacks RETORTS
Soda fountain, in New England SPA
Some bank robbers? ATMBREAKERS
Spanish key ISLA
Staples purchase REAM
Star vehicle LIMO
Strunk & White subject USAGE
Sulky race TROT
Take to the cleaners SOAK
They could use some refinement ORES
Thinker's conclusion IAM
Ticker items SYMBOLS
Titanic letters RMS
Toothy fish GAR
Torah holders ARKS
Traveler's transport RENTAL
Try the microwave instead of the oven? BAKESMARTER
Turk's-head, for one KNOT
Typical fellow AVERAGEMAN
Union jack? DUES
Unspecified amount SOME
Vamp's wrap BOA
View from some tenement windows AIRSHAFT
Wall St. degrees MBAS
Where you'll find the in crowd HOTSPOTS
You can get lost in them LABYRINTHS
Zippo NADA