The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4437 by Don Manley - June 12, 2011

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Clues Answers
A legal procedure cut short in the courts ATRIA
A superior composer comes to English tavern AUBERGE
Absurd pretence contrived with cleaner taking the place of leader CHARADE
Black group in disgrace BLOT
Controller of eight maybe to dress as a foppish man COXCOMB
Design that's not at all ornate one rejected PLAN
Devious oratorical spin characteristic of those engaged in plotting CONSPIRATORIAL
Fail to progress, being unwilling to go with the flow? TREADWATER
Famous curator to fight for security device at museum? STRONGBOX
Flexible line taken with wine being brought into London's business area ELASTIC
Group not attracting charge no longer detained SETFREE
Head of State will want a Sunday Times ERAS
Hesitation to disseminate lecture about African organisation RELUCTANCE
Insect meets unfortunate fate in hot drink BEEFTEA
Clues Answers
Islander in wet sand, in trouble getting round island WESTINDIAN
Jolly bunch trapped in a laboratory — 'orrible situation sends a warning signal ALARMBELL
Musical piece with big ending changed LARGO
Postcard not right somehow — form of electronic communication needed PODCAST
Reliable officer prospered keeping commitedly sober COPPERBOTTOMED
Resin — one applied to back of the space vehicle ELEMI
Restaurant has dessert sent back? A riot sadly ensues TRATTORIA
Soldiers who may well have got eggy after accident ALLTHEKINGSMEN
Solemnly declare fool never stopped munching ASSEVERATE
Son into popular music? Harsh noise! RASP
The first woman to be employed in the French bank LEVEE
The man must participate in quiet ceremony, please, as before PRITHEE
There's nothing to equal a marriage based solely on affection LOVEMATCH
Type of academic qualification acquired by eg Brenda and Martha EXTERNALDEGREE