The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 926 - May 21, 2011

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Clues Answers
A particular detachment of troops DETAIL
A user wrongly entering tax for financial department TREASURY
Announcement from French producer in very short article about fuel VOILA
Arrangement of a second joint position for junior minister DEACONSHIP
Assimilate summary DIGEST
Basic supply in mind, taken around area FUNDAMENTAL
Bird feelin' pain, also internally SANDMARTIN
Blunder in the writer's essay about fair ride MERRYGOROUND
Didn't include baseball equipment in British lexicon OMITTED
Everyone's in endless retreat, ordered to return RECALLED
Exited from hospital, not in right direction LEFTWARD
Expression of sympathy, cruel thing to say when being shot HARDCHEESE
Extra troops control strongholds, including a hundred English soldiers REINFORCEMENTS
Flier's on wrong course — he survived after landing on island ROBINSONCRUSOE
Follow conservatives in control over reproduction COPYRIGHT
Frequently incarcerated in half of US prison becoming more lenient SOFTENING
Fruit trifle put out of sight, as you might say STRAWBERRY
Give up pro game FORGO
Go too far — invade and occupy OVERRUN
Hearing things about school punishment for unpunctuality? Just the opposite EARLINESS
Here, what's North-East? China NEPAL
Ie, headgear I toss inanely in river THATISTOSAY
In gloomy way, putting little into homework? DISMALLY
In less busy time, switch positions, swallowing lots of water OFFSEASON
In reserve, holding water supply? That's intelligent BRAINY
Inspirational female group male exploits MUSES
Is upset about American hospital food for Japanese? SUSHI
It's tough covering unknown area, something drivers try to avoid HAZARD
Lady dines outrageously — it could be gluttony DEADLYSIN
Like some feet, but not others METRIC
Live surrounded by nature — that's kind of sweet SORBET
Clues Answers
Lots of deliveries made, frustrating strikers' efforts MAIDENOVERS
Make mistake with English, producing nonsense TRIPE
Old student no longer turning up in wine shop BODEGA
Old yarn converted into fabric RAYON
One who puts on courses — degree's possible MASON
Our equivalent of piccolo holding note sounding metallic TINNY
Periodic upset for Queen Elizabeth I RECURRENT
Poor actor allowed famous title role HAMLET
Possible time for feast, turning dark near West End MIDNIGHT
Promptness producing page in former issue EXPEDITION
Publishes brief message confirming my safety in riots RUNSAMOK
Put off in late changes, being respectful DEFERENTIAL
Section the editor we have protected ARMOURED
So-called dog landed in the centre of attention SPOTLIT
Soldier has to join force? It's none of the government's business PRIVATEENTERPRISE
Soldier in child army changed name INFANTRYMAN
Some Asians we ring, Ma? Chinese providing these recording devices ANSWERINGMACHINES
Some forget to get here for gathering GETTOGETHER
Some land in France teacher recollected HECTARE
Source of ballad interpreting love in young woman READINGGAOL
South American vessel, or one from Asia SAMPAN
Spirits provided by good landlords GHOSTS
Strength is overthrown by intelligence SINEWS
Sure boat at sea is a destroyer SABOTEUR
Tense old soldier in pub, as is right and proper TAUTOLOGICAL
That fateful day, start off left, right? IDESOFMARCH
Thought changing one side would make one famous here CELEBRATED
Turn round with instruction for boxer, say WHEEL
Vehicle suitable for snow and ice in US, we hear SLEIGH
Very much accepting religious teachings as this? FRIAR
Want top officer to carry out inspection COVET