The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24774 - February 16, 2011

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Clues Answers
Americans' change in accommodation QUARTERS
Arrange decoration in novel fashion COORDINATE
Attempt to win hand, leading diamonds or a club WOOD
Covering up severe defeat HIDING
Dilapidated boats, old, deliberately wrecked SABOTAGED
Explanation of words a writer finally put in magazine GLOSSARY
Girl needing support when surrounded by blokes MAIDEN
Giving everyone a hand, thus aligned? DEALINGOUT
Hilarious character coming in second best SCREAM
Indian with expedition holding horse APACHE
Inexperienced driver caught by unfamiliar throttle or choke STRANGLE
Journey starts in the red, finishes in the black TREK
Kind of butterfly that's found often in long list COMMA
Like some identified animals, are incorrectly pronounced EARMARKED
Make rare leader in games, unlikely winner UNDERDOG
Clues Answers
Minister's responsibility, supplying hospital with capital PARISH
One flying directly north for summit CROWN
Part I open wrongly put back in place REAPPOINT
Person having son and daughter included BODY
Place for reporters in crowd covering fight PRESSBOX
Privately, as films these days are less often seen INCAMERA
Put in difficult position, needs rook exchanged SNOOKERED
Rake end of garden in French city ROUEN
Restrict player's scope in characters and acts, perhaps TYPECAST
Shrink from intimidating person? COWER
Small sum, classically speaking, in old part of East SIAM
Songbird's high-pitched cry, having tail twisted SHRIKE
Traveller to Canterbury who goes further than commuter? PARDONER
Where place for public hangings can be seen behind admiral's back TRAFALGARSQUARE