The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24701 - November 22, 2010

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Clues Answers
A priest and a bishop live together ABBE
A white man taking on domestic worker? No CHARDONNAY
As keyholder, very much dislike wonky nail in church CHATELAINE
Burns, say, to cut chap out EXCISEMAN
Commonly inflames worries EATS
Decline to add two notes to closing phrase DECADENCE
Engineer's cry of amazement some may pick up WATT
Filled with depression, almost consumed by sloth EDENTATE
Finally, he goes for plan INTEND
Genuine article secured by Sally say as target reserve falls short AUTHENTIC
Get some sleep on choice blanket PONCHO
Greet with small coin WEEP
Harder to satisfy, finding nothing between chestnut and willow CHOOSIER
Huge speed on old car not doing much damage CHEAP
I'm safe from attack, having landed in barge SACREDCOW
In court, no way cat's a god for Egyptian CLEOPATRA
Clues Answers
In struggling men, Agnes inserting a component of steel MANGANESE
In the end, political association is secure TIEUP
Its operator turns needing coffee that's hot for a time LATHE
Mine English awfully lousy, so attracting sympathy PITEOUSLY
People of capital settle our bill regularly in restaurants DUBLINERS
Put energy into inadequate triangular relationship SECANT
Ranger finds a gull in lawned area GAMEWARDEN
Regretted doddery old peer's died DEPLORED
Seen, heard, and put in one's place SITED
Some eels are said to be cold GELID
Some soldiers go potty about facial hair being trimmed DETACHMENT
Study significance of green flower CONGO
The sign of the cross as a fertility symbol? GREENMAN
Top person, or unimportant? NOONE
Travel regularly again, and come back REPLY
Use me around place, only on the outside EMPLOY