The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 24694 - November 13, 2010

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Clues Answers
At that point about zero, thousand deduction THEOREM
Bug repellent finally finishes off garden pests MOLEST
Dance company sending up couch potato — husband I love upset BOLSHOI
Delicate piercing trips electrical display FAIRYLIGHTS
Duck fat certainly not found in drink! NOTHING
Easily shocked, girl caught up in crush SQUEAMISH
First of drives having split flag, one's driven into hole! DRIFTPIN
Fish done for breakfast FRYUP
For starters, military uniform? Frankly, this isn't! MUFTI
Good with steak in the middle, is it? PIE
Hot country, though not if capital were different? LIBERIA
Howl and hoot SCREAM
Line and length low in entertainment, though a monthly highlight? FULLMOON
Mistress, as sauce on a plate? (1,3,2,3,4) ABITONTHESIDE
More elegant article in one row — and another DAINTIER
Clues Answers
Most unattractive suit, leg misshapen UGLIEST
One offering up a teat? Wrong parent! PAPA
Over the road, carry empty bag CYST
Pole upset after I translated "discarded goods" JETSAM
Ring of flowers among buddleia LEI
Sharp suit for simple, honest geezers ROUGHDIAMONDS
Supervisory work driving round Northern Ireland MONITORING
The short, straight one is weenier, but funny ERNIEWISE
Tom getting divorce finally — she's a witch! HECATE
Two pictures, or one SNAPSHOT
Uses something that's surgical drip MILKSOP
Very brilliant journo? One may be lying here! SOFABED
What's met with rising sap, ultimately blossoming? SPRINGTIME
Wonderful thing, an attacking tennis player? SMASHER
Work hard, play hard — the making of some politicians LABOURPARTY