The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 1159 - June 6, 2010

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Clues Answers
A person's demeanour MIEN
Abstemious SOBER
Bizarre OUTRE
Cloth covering a coffin PALL
Cold-shouldered REBUFFED
Consecrate SANCTIFY
Corroded RUSTY
Deputy head of an abbey PRIOR
Draw TIE
Entice LURE
Fifth sign of the zodiac LEO
Fishing vessel TRAWLER
Folders holding documents FILES
Clues Answers
Impel SPUR
Indolent IDLE
Innocuous HARMLESS
Instrument of the flute family RECORDER
Lugubrious DOLEFUL
Muslim administrator HAKIM
Red-bodied beef cattle with white markings HEREFORD
River in Lancaster LUNE
Titan compelled by Zeus to support the sky ATLAS
Told a story NARRATED
Type of crocus SAFFRON
World's only Hindu kingdom NEPAL