The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24537 - May 14, 2010

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Clues Answers
A man not easily fooled gets rid of a cold, avoiding germs ASEPTIC
A service returned from some distance AFAR
Accessory providing warmth, using no energy HAT
Avoiding edges, veteran mounts sharp ridge ARETE
Bullets don't have to take head off twice ACKACK
China to shift old Christian centre ANTIOCH
Cockney injured with gun ... ARMED
Create a puzzle, one of several games SET
Creep, then rise for battle EDGEHILL
Crow, putting fastening round missile CORVID
Dig up old philosopher EXHUME
Escort, as one, ordered: Shun! OSTRACISE
Extremely thin, those walls collapsed SHALLOWEST
Faithless girl about to get religious instruction — I'd come in to fool about CRESSIDA
Clues Answers
Family member has no end of wind TWIN
Fine wine and beer in part of Yorkshire AIREDALE
Force of men without one unpleasant emotion MALEVOLENCE
Girl, given notice, fired: in the morning, all upset MATILDA
I need to know it is the usual problem TELLMEABOUTIT
Information is available above, I swear it HEAVENKNOWS
killed? I say! One secures a shroud DEADEYE
Out of one's depth in job, unlikely to be properly received LOSTINTHEPOST
Problem to hand makes me a little depressed WHITLOW
Scored, with time for a second, and was much encouraged INCITED
Stretched out, do elegant manoeuvres ELONGATED
Strong parts of body needed by labourer FARMHAND
Success: I've had enough THATDOESIT
The saw jaggedly cut strip SWATHE