The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 24510 - April 13, 2010

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Clues Answers
Channel Islands fish that's meant to be smoked CIGAR
Cold half of Housman's book about constant commercial plantings CASHCROPS
Drop organ, breaking piano key PLUNGE
Enlarging or reducing (to rubble)? BLOWINGUP
Fleeting vision falters as an illustration turns around GLIMPSE
Genial model apes vixen EXPANSIVE
Gradually weaken doctor's backing for worker in the dock STEVEDORE
Greek facilitator who'll make things run smoothly GREASER
In county, roughly list out pi, not 14 SURREPTITIOUSLY
London diarist flatly withholding name until the end EVELYN
Neuter puss in real cut TRUNCATE
Nothing infiltrates location of 24 naval signallers YEOMEN
Place for production of Folio in the style of luvvies? FACTORY
Port held by Geronimo, charging MOCHA
Power retained by fusty principal STAPLE
Clues Answers
Prisoner no longer seen around can: I'm out, I'm free, being expelled EXCOMMUNICATION
Queen occupied throne, perhaps a variable substitute ERSATZ
Reason chill factor finally penetrates ARGUE
Religious woman sets out to follow noses PRIESTESS
Resists spicy stuff used in peppering BUCKSHOT
Rhythm's unsatisfactory and manages to repel BEATSOFF
Rhythmic movement in Browning work? TANGO
Show the way out of slavery with harmful element eliminated LEADFREE
TV role transforming unknown in the public eye OVERTLY
Very welcoming promenade gets battered OPENARMED
Weak antenna mostly receiving what BBC repeats FEEBLE
Wet politicians at the centre, in the majority MOIST
When to strip, rising or resting? ASLEEP
Where despicable traits may be found to bring upon oneself INCUR
With skin blemishes, is mole covering excessive? SPOTTY