- Jan 16 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''No sweat!'' EASY
''The Wire'' network HBO
''__ bite!'' ILL
''__, Brute?'' ETTU
12-year-old TWEEN
Abate, as rain LETUP
Absorbs, with ''up'' SOPS
Andrew of ''Melrose Place'' SHUE
April 1 victim FOOL
Asimov genre, for short SCIFI
Bard's ''before'' ERE
Bow-toting god EROS
Burden ONUS
Canary call TWEET
Canyon edges RIMS
Catch a glimpse of SPOT
Circle dance HORA
Classic arcade game PACMAN
Discontinued GM line OLDS
Do lab work TEST
Fritter away WASTE
Garfield's pal ODIE
Grow tiresome WEAR
Happify ELATE
Hard to hold on to EELY
Have a restless night TOSSINONESSLEEP
Hi-__ graphics RES
Hit with hailstones PELT
Holler's mate HOOT
HS jr.'s exam PSAT
In __ (aligned) AROW
It ebbs and flows TIDE
Italian wine spot ASTI
Japanese religion SHINTO
Java holders URNS
Jollity MIRTH
Knock on the noggin BONK
Clues Answers
Less eccentric SANER
Like a lemon SOUR
Like dimes THIN
Lobster __ Diavolo FRA
Mouth-watering TASTY
Mrs. Dick Tracy TESS
Mucky stuff MIRE
Need a rubdown ACHE
Nobelist Wiesel ELIE
Not friendly COOL
Paddock parents SIRES
Pasta toppings SAUCES
Patch up MEND
Pint-sized TEENY
Prone to fidgeting ANTSY
Pub serving ALE
Pub serving STOUT
Racetrack borders RAILS
Radio user HAM
Ran like heck TORE
Real scream RIOT
Right-angle bend ELL
Robin Williams role of '82 GARP
Salon job TINT
Sciences' partner ARTS
Sheepish look GRIN
Shows curiosity ASKS
Sign of spring ARIES
Singer Redding OTIS
Sly as a fox WILY
Soft seat SOFA
Sponge opening PORE
Tear apart REND
Ticked off SORE
Vein contents ORE
Victorian, for one ERA
Welcoming word HELLO
Wiped clean ERASED