The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 5075 - February 15, 2010

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Clues Answers
Abrupt TERSE
Altered attitude CHANGEOFHEART
Attempt; written piece ESSAY
Bolt tightener SPANNER
Branch of mathematics ALGEBRA
City of Italy GENOA
Computer screen marker CURSOR
Control; trappings HARNESS
Disastrous RUINOUS
Eg, wheat GRAIN
Feudal subordinate VASSAL
Finger or thumb DIGIT
Frozen water ICE
Helicopter lifter ROTOR
Metal; container TIN
Clues Answers
Modified ALTERED
Offensive, disgusting OBSCENE
Out of the way ASIDE
Pearl producer OYSTER
Pretend not to see TURNABLINDEYE
Public transport BUS
Sea water BRINE
Small garden figure GNOME
State of southern US ALABAMA
Staying power STAMINA
Strange, frightening EERIE
Uncivilised; fierce SAVAGE
Variety of lettuce COS
Zodiac sign ARIES