The Times - Specialist - Times Literary Supplement 818 - January 29, 2010

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Clues Answers
'Blissful language' is coming back with diagram in remuneration PASIGRAPHY
'The whole baronetage, peerage, -- of England' (Thackeray, Vanity Fair) COMMONAGE
A boat for Crane, several for Noyes OPEN
A tender Sprite, pace Wordsworth REPENTANCE
Christopher Robin, possibly, or Sebastian Flyte ARCTOPHILE
Composer awkward as ten in crack unit SAINTSAENS
Confucius he say he write the Chinese one PENTATEUCH
Curtains raised by him in 1961 TYNAN
Dwarf the last name of French composer brothers NAIN
Ellis was one, Felix Krull another CONFESSOR
Fast be able, perhaps, to produce a tale by La Fontaine BEASTFABLE
Final notice OBIT
Governess to inspect around river EYRE
Introduction in favour of educational toy followed by fellows accepting negative PROLEGOMENON
Clues Answers
Job at Bukowski's office POST
Kind dog for compositor TYPESETTER
Like the Herald in wartime STENTORIAN
Pal Joey EVANS
Pamphlet reportedly followed TRACT
Practitioner holds a right to Irving hero GARP
Rousseau on education? or Zola? EMILE
Seen as pre-Murdoch in the world of communications IRIS
Smile Lear contrived in French port MARSEILLE
So, big writer seen with new dean EDNA
Some of play recreating the past (operates backwards) RETROACTS
Thrice great Neoplatonist TRISMEGISTUS
Tip never refused by her LITTLEDORRIT
Would Powell's characters ever wear morning or evening dress? (9.3) AFTERNOONMEN