The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 24335 - September 19, 2009

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Clues Answers
A knight evidently snapped, displaying great fear PANIC
A little smoke from one article in cooker — concern about this CIGARILLO
Ace leading at full speed AMAIN
American set a dish on a bust IDAHOANS
Arm of church body organised harvest festival time after time TRANSEPT
Be strangely taken with cinema's atmosphere AMBIENCE
Black eye limiting naval officer with his employer? SHIPOWNER
Chap traditionally hanging outside very small grouse KVETCH
Childishly pictured man as a sort of model MATCHSTICK
Decline in inflation not noticed, but outcome is flat SLOWPUNCTURE
Deposit smaller amount, saving nothing LOESS
Do without chimney in which smoke could rise COLUMN
Economist to get by smoothly talking up Scottish football team GALBRAITH
Entirely sound, good bar that is object of quest HOLYGRAIL
Clues Answers
Feigned dislike, consequently encourages to accept blame SOURGRAPES
I look regal when touring Australian town KALGOORLIE
Impact tails off but with impromptu afterword THUD
In place of sermon, lad's confession is brief AMBO
It's worthless to preserve dignity in extremes, following defeat CANDYFLOSS
Lob bottle out over sea, with flares BELLBOTTOMED
March in cold round isolated wet area in field COLONELBOGEY
Old person in race oddly eclipsed bionic man INCA
Paces rapidly round stores a fair distance PARSEC
Passenger, perhaps, sinking fitting into narrow compartment PIGEONHOLING
Place to eat a dog's breakfast MESS
Sailor died clutching minute weapon ABOMB
Such revenue once from the seaside INLAND
Town's university and two others combined to dismiss Head UXBRIDGE