The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4939 - September 8, 2009

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Clues Answers
(Of fruit) past its best OVERRIPE
Appearance (at a place) ARRIVAL
Break; liveliness SNAP
Clive —, English actor OWEN
Close relationship RAPPORT
Daring adventure ESCAPADE
Distant military camp OUTPOST
Enormous VAST
French-Spanish range PYRENEES
Hardy heroine TESS
Hoist with one's own — PETARD
Joan —, Spanish artist MIRO
Large jug EWER
Clues Answers
Large pile of fodder HAYSTACK
Of the North Pole region ARCTIC
One of the Brontë sisters EMILY
Ornamental moulding CORNICE
Peepers EYES
Put out again REISSUE
Search untidily RUMMAGE
Smart and fashionable NATTY
Smooth, shiny GLOSSY
Spanish goodbye ADIOS
Stylishly luxurious POSH
Way, line ROUTE
With a superior attitude ELITIST
Written law STATUTE