The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4661 - October 17, 2008

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Clues Answers
(Of slope) not steep GRADUAL
A quarrel TIFF
Agree on definitive version of something FINALISE
Canadian province; breed of dog NEWFOUNDLAND
Distraught with fear FRANTIC
Gas used in fluorescent signs RARELY
Military signal/display TATTOO
Plaited hair PIGTAIL
Pollution haze/fog SMOG
Portable shelter TENT
Clues Answers
Power generator STEAMTURBINE
Refuse to be associated with (something/someone) DISOWN
Region; space AREA
Search for hidden objects TREASUREHUNT
Severely reprimand CHASTISE
Small plant; colour NEON
Temple of Jupiter at Rome; Washington building CAPITOL
Waterside bird; part of track RAIL