The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4607 - August 15, 2008

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Clues Answers
Break with a crack SNAP
Cattle breed HEREFORD
Divide by cutting SEVER
Extreme fear TERROR
Flat-topped hill MESA
Front end of ship PROW
Gradually diminish RECEDE
Green stone JADE
Green stone EMERALD
Half-man half-horse CENTAUR
Lying face upwards SUPINE
Musical form with recurring theme RONDO
Clues Answers
One able to sell alcohol LICENSEE
One making case against defendant PROSECUTOR
Ornamental stone AGATE
Pasta envelopes RAVIOLI
Profit-driven person CAPITALIST
Retrieve, recover RECLAIM
Secured position from which to advance BRIDGEHEAD
Showing discernment TASTEFUL
Supporting projection in a wall CORBEL
Use a razor SHAVE
Wife of an earl COUNTESS