The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 23970 - July 19, 2008

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Clues Answers
Airline next to report increase in arrivals BABYBOOM
Bags I hold up boxer's trophy! BELT
Biblical characters producing sale items JOBLOT
Bishop's responsibility when fuel's short containing freezing temperature DIOCESE
Cheap seats always available in theatre STEERAGE
City left at sea in goalless draw OPORTO
Cosmetic spills go all over the place LIPGLOSS
Eavesdropping group of women upset dad WIRETAP
Fawn's trapped in hole that blackbirds escaped from PIECRUST
Have no desire to hug heartless dame I get engaged with WADEINTO
Held back by girl, as youth was? MISSPENT
IT expert enlisted by corporate chief TECHIE
Maiden that put on twice as many clothes shivered TREMBLED
Menace guy wandering into women's quarters GYNAECEUM
Miscellany from large expanse of water meadow MEDLEY
Clues Answers
On English lake rings start to grace surface again REEMERGE
Opposed doctor coming in plastered COMBATED
Pop includes male and all-girl sensations PHENOMENA
Protective shell from military crosses different line MOTHERLY
Put on winter coat, perhaps, and button it WRAPUP
Seeds tease an old lady at Flushing Meadow? CARDAMOM
Set down on cold earth CLAY
Settlers, etc, here rebuilt town CHESTERLESTREET
Solver's drinking gallons: time for some food YOGURT
Spooner's entire factory gets small rise MOLEHILL
This signals the Fleet's men meet regularly TELESEME
Tiny bit of power? Hand it to Reagan! ELECTRON
Tiny organism disturbed bone area ANAEROBE
Where some layers sit roughly on others HENROOST