The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23697 - September 4, 2007

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Clues Answers
After inane confusion, prepare to shoot musical ANNIEGETYOURGUN
Always subversive group in pub here? BEERCELLAR
Back with new skills up in Scottish town STRANRAER
Champion driver, one in a black suit ACEOFCLUBS
Composer's chosen bad pupil SCHOENBERG
Does it pick any number in unlimited series? ERNIE
Fake map to an outstanding US city CHARLATAN
Formidable oriental novelist STERNE
Head for back passages in Emsworth Castle BLANDINGS
Hear Romeo's family dog is a flier MONTAGUSHARRIER
I recall humorist's country ISRAEL
In factual film, all the points sound genuine NEWSREEL
Mere anarchy follows this result of poor manufacture THINGSFALLAPART
No hat peg could be this shape HEPTAGON
Clues Answers
Noisily inflated a bit horrible GRUESOME
Not fancying a man throwing up defence OFFA
Note about badgers' dens as carrier of disease TSETSE
Old councillor's mind clear: a reform needed ALDERMANIC
Part of speech opposing international cooperation? NOUN
Respraying car orange? That's some conceit! ARROGANCE
Scrap of cloth with a Hindu pattern RAGA
Sick arrangement in the minor found by singer NIGHTINGALEWARD
Surface area is divided up first CUTIS
Sweet taken out of drawer for minister CURATE
The French teacher was encouraging LEDON
Very loud direction for Christian soldiers to come up, then pulled back DRAWNOFF
Weapons: your uncle's stockpiled millions BUMPS
Welshman runs hard? Yes, extremely RHYS