The Times - Cryptic - Times Saturday 23725 - October 6, 2007

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Clues Answers
Against fuss, going past supporter that's swaggering BRAVADO
Chapter in a happy or otherwise religious text APOCRYPHA
Check very soft top is watertight DAMPPROOF
Concubine painter placed in temple, topless ODALISQUE
Continue alone, always digging in PERSEVERE
Continue to impede mountaineering equipment? CRAMPON
Course, it's a duty no longer ASCOT
Cross lake in Siberia, cold for a change IRASCIBLE
Hard work given to wife in places where work is hard SWEATSHOP
I'm going to get something cast in gold ADIEU
Implied one undamaged, you might say? TACIT
Intends to get money MEANS
Might one stand at this adding final touch to oil? EASEL
Offence given, by the look of reporter PIQUE
One's scaled small building to arrest a politician HALIBUT
Clues Answers
One-eyed menace, 'sixties dancer? TWISTER
Put into hat applicant's last name TITLE
Reverse stance on answer he wrote in Greek AESOP
Scrap perceived in ink-blot test when inverted SETTO
Second time going against the grain TRICE
Show is on here REPRESENT
Small caps where money stored - a bit SCINTILLA
Some valuable wisdom? PEARL
Spot the ball competition? PENALTYSHOOTOUT
Steps taken thus, when delivered in post PASODOBLE
Sugar cane value to drop LAEVULOSE
Team long ago lagging pipe down in the drink YORKSHIRE
Thick bread: that's the crust? INANE
Vacate the quads, hosting a private conversation TETEATETE
When pork pie downed suddenly? (2,3,4,2,1,3) ATTHEDROPOFAHAT