The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 680 - January 20, 2007

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Clues Answers
A shock to be held firmly by this? LACQUER
Admission of Patricia's forged ITSAFAIRCOP
Admitted to hospital, panic about unknown Tokyo worker SALARYMAN
Almost weaken old soldier under this? SHAKO
Avoid woman that holds advantage EVADE
Balance fight as new rising is contained COMPENSATE
Blow on a spot of potato and salmon SOCKEYE
Change nothing without, say, close friend ALTEREGO
Colours food GREENS
Distribute votes - leader misses out ALLOT
Doctor in charge is dismissing CASHIERING
Effortless way to recollect right lines on card and letter RACEMEMORY
Excellent salesman riding coach northbound SUPERB
Falsify global medical body for TV programme DOCTORWHO
Features wee chap holding a type of linkage CHAINSTITCH
Frank's to offend with bacteria regularly SINATRA
Freeholder in the old country YEOMAN
From which man made a small step onto a mare LUNARMODULE
Grant's hugging one particular tree CONIFER
Half of what's left is unlucky for some THIRTEEN
Harriet and Alec arranged to relieve tension CLEARTHEAIR
High shot almost helps to turn love game DIABOLO
Hope to get entertainment with old coin? This money's set aside TRUSTFUND
How one skis getting worse? DOWNHILL
Keep isn't commonly submerged in the sea MAINTAIN
Kid at home performing in an operetta THEMIKADO
Leaderless soldiers almost gathered in a group ENMASSE
Male has to throw on target COCKSHY
Marconi went out in flamboyant style NEWROMANTIC
Nice man rings penguin GENTOO
Clues Answers
Niels the physicist holding minute round iodine crystal, originally shaped like a diamond RHOMBIC
Old lady died having cold game and fine wine GRANDCRU
One needs love for both sides NOSCOREDRAW
Opt to include one in dispatch for Mars, say DEICIDE
Perhaps I stay, grasping English that's possible to say PRONOUNCEABLE
Plain gold currency's unknown ORDINARY
Plant a North American mother in South American country CHAMOMILE
Precise law of old EXACT
Ragout of sausage lacking appeal for starters SALMI
Ravenous, knocked back bass and the like WOLFISH
Reportedly spacious, cold and damp RHEUMY
Ring rejected twice in girl's first dismissive action? POOHPOOHING
Runs away once from murderers leaving problem for hacks? STRANGLES
Scientist's old letter kept by British Library BRUNEL
Sequence of disasters one expected from Shelley? HORRORSTORY
Silvington's oddly made into a county SLIGO
Slice ball into the air around tee, say? Exactly SPOTON
Slips up ahead of him THIRDMAN
Son's hot some twenty-four hours after a fast start ASHWEDNESDAY
Spoil field guns, deployed away from the flanks INDULGE
Stress shown by nun, mainly in pub by church INSISTENCE
The New Forest fire had devastated us FRIENDSOFTHEEARTH
Three times in a row, you'll win this NOUGHTSANDCROSSES
Topless beauties and bottomless blokes turn up for work in coastal town ELLESMEREPORT
Uncut songs - do they display infinite integrity? WHOLENUMBERS
Weak tea stirred into bitter WATERY
What a man requires for his sex YCHROMOSOME
What won't satisfy champion is marvelled about SILVERMEDAL
What's-his-name's two short calls for help SOANDSO
Youthful character having quietly turned into mass criminal PETERMAN