L.A. Times Magazine - Nov 26 2006

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Clues Answers
"I'm ___ and I don't like your type face" ALPHONSE
"I'm ___ and I own this diner" ALACARTE
"I'm ___ and I'll be doing your teeth today" ALDENTE
"I'm ___ and I'll be right back" ALANON
"I'm ___ and this is my wife, Work" ALCOHOLIC
"I'm ___, and hey, you only live once! People are people! It's a big world out there!" ALTRUISM
"I'm ___, your real estate agent" ALLOCATION
"I'm ___. Get off the field, ya bum!" ALGIERS
"I'm ___. I'll be outside" ALFRESCO
"I'm ___. Think I'll take a little breather" ALVEOLI
"I'm ___. Wanna buy a sweater?" ALPACA
"I'm ___. Wanna go fishing again?" ALTOONA
"I'm ___. Wanna go fishing?" ALBACORE
"I'm ___. When are we gettin' outta here?" ALCATRAZ
"I'm ___. Ya like meatballs?" ALBONDIGAS
"We ___ alone" ARENOT
1955 Oscar-winner MARTY
1996 Tony-winner RENT
88 Down-related OTIC
A Corleone portrayer CAAN
A key employee? TYPIST
A nation divided KOREA
A Simpson BART
A Simpson MARGE
Abbey, e.g. ROAD
Alone SOLO
B&O stop STA
Baseball's Joe TORRE
Beat soundly WHUP
Big Ben sound BONG
Big name in taters OREIDA
Bullfighter TORERO
Busy ___ ASABEE
Capri and Wight ISLES
Certain chord EMAJOR
Chestnut OLDJOKE
Chicago university LOYOLA
Clinton-era secretary PENA
Club costs DUES
Colonnade tree ELM
Consults SEES
Cookie guy Spunkmeyer OTIS
Corrida shouts OLES
Cringe COWER
Dash relatives COLONS
Diamond description HARDEST
Diego's dwelling CASA
Disney's mermaid ARIEL
Eastern "way" TAO
Eccentric FLAKY
Einstein's birthplace ULM
Exited LEFT
Experiment TEST
Fa followers LALA
Fall birthstone OPAL
Fond du ___, Wis. LAC
Fossil site, Rancho ___ LABREA
Foul-smelling OLID
Frau Blücher portrayer LEACHMAN
French gala BAL
French verb ETRE
Furry frolickers OTTERS
Ga. city ATL
Galley gear OARS
Good name for an archer? AMES
Guitar great Paul LES
Gym effect ECHO
Half an island? BORA
Hot rod's rod AXLE
Huddle words ONONE
In a minute SOON
Ink squirters OCTOPI
Invoke (a spell) CAST
Clues Answers
Isaac's eldest ESAU
Islands off Ireland ARAN
Lateral opening TRI
Lateral opening UNI
Lav, at Leeds LOO
Liberal ___ ARTS
Like Mel's saddles BLAZING
Lost traction SLID
Luis's bruins OSOS
Meadow LEA
Mecca residents SAUDIS
Metallic waste DROSS
MLK's title REV
Mon. ___ Fri. THR
Mr. Parseghian ARA
Mysterious Island role NEMO
New Jersey's ___ Hall SETON
No more, no less EXACT
North African port ORAN
Not out ATHOME
On ___ (working) DUTY
Online engine GOOGLE
Parting gift? COMB
Pinched STOLEN
Plant pests APHIDS
Political pamphlet TRACT
Printing measures ENS
Puccini classic TOSCA
Quickly, quickly ASAP
Reporter Starr BRENDA
Research subject LABRAT
Retirement org. SSA
Robert of Big LOGGIA
Sapporo sport SUMO
Scopes trial org. ACLU
Short trip HOP
Singer Perry COMO
Singer's asset RANGE
Slangy ophthalmologist EYEMAN
Small openings in doors PEEPHOLES
Sniffer NOSE
Sound processor EAR
Soviet labor camp GULAG
Speeder impeder BUMP
Spoiled one's supper ATE
Spoiled rotten BRATTY
Sticks out BULGES
Street, to Magritte RUE
Sum up RECAP
Surgeon's intro NEURO
Swamp BOG
Swann's Way author PROUST
Tear conveyor DUCT
The rain in Spain, e.g. AGUA
The Trial author KAFKA
Till stack TENS
Tough time ORDEAL
Tucson-Tallahassee rte. ITEN
Two-bit writers HACKS
Type of powder TALC
U.S. canal ERIE
Verdi classic AIDA
Verne's birthplace NANTES
Way up or down STAIRS
White wine SAUTERNE
Word after tax PAYER
___ Linda, Calif. LOMA
___ skiing NORDIC