The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23464 - December 5, 2006

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Clues Answers
A member's rants may produce discomfiture EMBARRASSMENT
Anguished boy to gabble about end of romance DESPERATE
Authority's wrongdoing but with leader exempt ARM
Be sparing wanting end off material SCRIM
Bone container in church provides activity for couple sitting at table CRIBBAGE
College board no good ETON
Conspirator coming down heavily but noiselessly CASCA
Fall out from line ROW
Fresh delivery for city dweller NEWYORKER
Highly dangerous job I found opening river bed TESTPILOT
Let theatre put out Eliot's earliest material LEATHERETTE
Like bird's back ASTERN
Like old film maybe showing common hero in action MONOCHROME
May perhaps mother and clan get dispersed? CALENDARMONTH
No daughter should hang around mum - one must move on NOMAD
Clues Answers
Not happy when entertaining cold fish SCAD
Old man destroyed dogma with introduction of new heathenism PAGANDOM
Pitch on pitch? TOSS
Rate achieved by this writer slowing down MERIT
Said to support control being put back REINSTATED
Severely criticise what actor may do after successful audition TAKEAPART
Solution to wet home - as cured with mop possibly? DAMPCOURSE
Spread support to get a number at the game PROPAGATE
Spring fixed by agent with skill - something put in machine? SPAREPART
System with fixed amount that avoids extremes MODERATION
The Parisian female removes clothes - they go off to washroom? LAUNDRESSES
Unpleasant state presided over by thunderous character THORNY
Way to avoid ending in defeat ROUT
What has upset a ruler of religious group RASTA
What meadowlark perches on to sing? GRASS