The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4009 - September 15, 2006

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Clues Answers
(Of animal) wound by scratching and tearing MAUL
A apt (anag.); palm used for thatching; ATAP
Computer images GRAPHICS
Draw out (a response) ELICIT
Eyelash (anatomy) CILIUM
Girl's name; novel by Samuel Richardson CLARISSA
Hang around LOITER
Indian bread NAAN
Old Testament prophet ISAIAH
One of argon, neon etc. NOBLEGAS
Clues Answers
Prison room CELL
Protective footwear OVERSHOE
Relating to intellectual achievements and arts CULTURAL
Single item UNIT
Spiced smoked beef PASTRAMI
State of high regard REPUTE
Tall silky-coated dog SALUKI
Underwater rock ledge SILL
Without rules ANARCHIC
Writing stick PENCIL
Zen paradox; OK, no (anag.) KOAN
Zero (in tennis) LOVE