The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23429 - October 25, 2006

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Clues Answers
A producer of pictures, by the way PAVEMENTARTIST
About river to fish, needing this? CREEL
Before recovery, nil by mouth ORALLY
Blueprint one's included for patent PLAIN
Butterfly with its tail at the end, as a rule MONARCHY
Charity event ultimately secures nothing? Not quite ALMOST
Device that won't reveal anything for a soothsayer LIEDETECTOR
Dramatic form that's common in Cockney speech NOH
Financial business with no money obsession BROKERAGE
Fowl produced in Eastern state with some wine RHODEISLANDRED
Instant food is in fashion MODISH
Island group in which he is berthed after storm THEHEBRIDES
It takes a brave person in bed to have a smoke CHEROOT
Leading player holding one stringed instrument SITAR
Like a certain element, one clubs together in club ARSENICAL
Clues Answers
Love some modern paintings OPART
Male guard's intended ill will MALICE
Musical works caught on - sure success, one concludes CONCERTI
Novel in dialect lacking distinction IDENTICAL
Opera containing desperate acts involving love TOSCA
Osculates madly, at home in Oxford? LOSTCAUSE
Partially take up hem I smartly darned, for example EUPHEMISM
Pious pronouncement? Absolutely! WHOLLY
Poorly pronounced perhaps, or poorly spelt if requiring this SIC
Quarters in European city ESSEN
Reckless guy's crazy road speed DESPERADO
Small part of eclipse still over the moon ECSTATIC
Spontaneous set of classes offered for nothing FREEFORM
Unpretentious kind of pie HUMBLE
With fruit put outside, can turn to vegetable SPINACH